
Comments: Chinese Yahoo! Why don't Chinese domain name

Comments: Chinese Yahoo! Why don't Chinese domain name

Chinese Yahoo! Domain (strictly speaking, the host name ) but not reasonable, still some confusion. Like CNBC host name is cn.finance.yahoo.com, is a global financial services Yahoo! Look in Chinese service. Entertainment channel is cn.ent.yahoo.com. The news web site, and the appearance of newspic.cn.yahoo.com. Obviously this host name design is not in conformity with the business architecture level logic.

Author: Linghu Da

[ eNet ] Ma special comment, " strategic " Professor Zeng Ming took the initial, with a series of " macro " strategical adjust measures to act as " three fire ". In addition to adjust the organizational structure for the " three carriages ", " Yahoo China " site name into " Chinese Yahoo ". At the same time, the " micro" user pays close attention to Internet products do not have significant changes occur.

Yahoo China change changed its name, is actually the second. The name is just a code, as long as the wine, even deep alley, looking for will come. In fact, about " China Google ", " Google China ", we did not feel too big difference. For Ma Yun, from emphasize for many times " is Alibaba buys Yahoo China " instead of " Yahoo! Buy Alibaba ", for the name actually very much like. " Yahoo China " to " China to adjust the Yahoo! ", Ma, a powerful and unconstrained style map out a strategy self perception may be more good.

I want to talk about is the name since, " Chinese ", then the Yahoo China domain is necessary " in china ".

The United States three Internet giants China business domain evolution, can detect its China business strategy or some degree of attention.

Previously, Yahoo China business domain name for yahoo.com.cn, based on years of previous applications of Yahoo! Mail is based on the yahoo.com.cn suffix. Over the years, has been formed in this domain name to visit Yahoo China habit. However, don't know when to start, yahoo.com.cn automatically transferred to cn.yahoo.com.

In accordance with the DNS standards, CN belongs to a host name, is the Yahoo Corp of a server named CN. This domain is more popular point says, Yahoo China is simply the Yahoo Corp many WEB servers in a table. The host name, obviously does not meet the " Chinese Yahoo! " renamed motivation.

In the Chinese website rank ChinaRank, www.yahoo.com.cn this domain flow was ranked twenty. If the flow information without error, we can study, there are still many people in type yahoo.com.cn to the web, or is many third party website links to the yahoo.com.cn URL at the beginning of. Therefore, yahoo.com.cn has a substantial user base and popularity of resources.

This domain name behind another mystery is: Statistics on traffic in general, rather than the host name and domain name. In other words, the cn.yahoo.com flow, are included in the yahoo.com. For flow monitoring method, cn.yahoo.com is also a Yahoo Corp called CN a WEB server.

